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Nephrology Meet 2021

About Conference

After the success of "Nephrology Meet 2021", ME Conference is going to organize it's next series 4th International conference on Nephrology on September 10th, 2021. Nephrology Meet 2021 targets the undiscovered phases of nephrology research which gives an inimitable chance to researchers all over the world to participate, share and perceive new thoughts and also exploration work. Conference highlights the theme “Technological Advancements in Nephrology for Healthy Living” focuses on understanding the unknown facts of the nephrology, its research and therapeutic approaches. This conference comprises the constituents of nephrology such as renal pathology-immunology, clinical nephrology, genetic syndrome, dialysis and renal care, kidney cancer, diagnosis and treatment of kidney disease, imaging and radiation technique, kidney transplantation, renal nutrition, inflammation and metabolism, urology/urinary tract infections, nephritis and onconephrology, new upgrade in diabetics and hypertension and many more. International conference on Nephrology the participation of students, impending researches as this conference is hosting young research forum and best poster award at the Nephrology Meet 2020. This scientific event welcomes the keynote speech and workshops from the prominent researchers who exceeds in this field of nephrology.

This conference is an incredible event which coordinate cooperatively a distinctive and International combination of nephrologists and kidney specialists from supreme research centre and universities designing the conference as an appropriate platform to share and exchange research, new ideas and experience regarding the renal treatment and kidney diseases, foster collaboration all over the academia and industry, and determine emerging technologies across the globe.

Abstracts must contain 250-300 words and can submit online. The deadline for abstract submission is  30th August, 2021. Speakers can present their topic on research work in the related field or they can choose the topic from our scientific sessions. Abstracts do published in our peer reviewed journals.

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                                                    Early bird registration deadline:

The early bird dates for our upcoming "Nephrology Meet 2021" is going to be closed on or before 15th August, 2021. For group registrations and packages reach us at "[email protected]".


This scientific conference invites all the researchers, specialist, students and ambassadors to engage in our Nephrology conference to share and emphasize various research works and contribute to the vast growing field of Nephrology


  • Nephrologists
  • Transplantation Specialists
  • Nephrology Researchers
  • Fellows or postdoctoral students
  • Nephrology Academicians
  • Emeritus
  • Young research scientists
  • Physicians
  • Business delegates
  • Medical Colleges
  • Nephrology association and societies
  • Manufacturing Medical Devices Companies
  • Training Institutes
  • Urologists


With the people from all over the world on learning and finding of nephrology and its advancement, this is the ultimate opportunity to participate in the best platform to meet the eminent Nephrologist. The scientific event is providing the platform to the researcher to showcase their studies and research work through presentation and providing incredible opportunity to acquire knowledge about the new trends and advancement in the kidney treatment and receive name recognition at this scientific event. World-renowned speakers, the recent development, technology and current renovation in the nephrology are hallmarks of this scientific conference.


Track 01: Nephrology

Nephrology deals with the study or analysis of functions of the kidneys, its diseases, infections and treatment of assorted disorders. additionally to the present it additionally deals with the factors that have an effect on the traditional functioning of the urinary organ and issues that arise thanks to improper functioning of the urinary organ. The nephrons gift within the Kidneys filter, reabsorb, secrete and discharge the metabolic waste (urea and ammonia) from the blood & regulate osmolality & stimulation of red vegetative cell production. Kidneys severally participate within the whole-body physiological condition for maintaining equilibrium, solution concentration & pressure level. urinary organ performs this operate with association system referred to as “renin-angiotensin-aldosterone” system. capillary Filtration Rate (GFR) suggests that rate of flow of filtered fluid through the urinary organ.

  • Acid/Base and Electrolyte Disorders.
  • Acute Kidney Injury and ICU Nephrology.
  • Chronic Kidney Disease.

Track 02: Interventional Nephrology

Interventional medical specialty could be a new and developing subspecialty of medical specialty that principally deals with prenatal diagnosis of kidneys and ultrasound-guided urinary organ diagnostic test, insertion of serous membrane qualitative analysis catheters, tunneled qualitative analysis catheters as a tube access for patients experiencing haemodialysis and conjointly transcutaneous finishovascular techniques performed to supervise disfunction of blood vessel fistulas or grafts in end stage urinary organ sickness patients. historically, these procedures are delegated to a spread of specialist with resultant delays in determination and commencement of medical aid. To avoid the delays nephrologists have taken the initiative to perform these procedures themselves. while not a doubt, recent knowledge have emphasised that nephrologists will firmly and effectively perform these ways with extraordinary results.

  • imaging tests of the kidneys, such as ultrasounds, CT scans, or X-rays
  • dialysis, including placement of the dialysis catheter
  • kidney biopsies

Track 03: Renal Transplantation & Multiple Organ Transplantation

Renal Transplantation is the method of treatment where the person in the End Stage Renal Disease. Generally the initial stages of the disease can be treated and transplantation is done only in the final stage of kidney disease where the kidney cannot perform its function further. In this method the affected person is treated with the replacement of healthy kidney. Deceased Donor transplantation is the method where the kidney is transplanted from the died person. In most cases the died individuals are strangers who wants to donate the kidney. Transplantation can also be done through living ones which could be genetically related person & different person. While dealing with the immunology, there might the chance of rejection due to incompatibility. Therefore the donor and recipient should be in the ABO blood group and cross match Human Leucocyte Antigen (HLA) compatible. If a potential living donor is contrary with his/her recipient, the donor could be traded for a good kidney. To reduce the rejection rate during incompatible transplantation, ABO & HLA antibodies are reduced which recipient may have for the donor through desensitization procedure using intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg).

Track 04: Blood Purification Techniques

Dialysis could be a treatment wherever the purification and filtration area unit done by the machine. This helps to create body balance once the kidneys lost their operate. the most purpose of qualitative analysis is that we tend to all understand the operates of the kidneys and if they lost their function then the surplus salt and different material won't be cleared from the blood and can poison the body. but qualitative analysis isn't the permanent thanks to treat the nephrosis. “Hemodialysis” is one among the common styles of qualitative analysis during which doctors use dialyzer to filter the blood and which is able to be done outside the body. Patient’s blood is drawn out through tube-shaped structure access, filtered and once more place it back to the patient.

Track 05: Diagnosis & Drugs used for Kidney Disease

To notice or diagnose the nephrosis, doctor typically follow few take a look at and ar biopsy wherever the blood is collected from the subjected patient and measured for quantity of creatinine is gift within the blood. Through this the calculation is finished per your age, weight and ethnos to seek out out what number liters of waste your kidneys ar able to filter in a very minute. this is often referred to as calculable capillary Filtration Rate (eGFR). A usually functioning urinary organ will filter concerning 90ml/min. excretory product take a look at is finished to live the quantity of albumin-creatinine magnitude relation (ACR) within the excretory product. at the side of eGFR this excretory product take a look at can depict actual operating condition of the urinary organ. urinary organ diagnostic assay may be a surgery wherever tiny tissue from the infected urinary organ of the patient is taken and examined for any sign of damages gift within the cells.

  • High blood pressure
  • Swelling in legs
  • Urinary tract infections

Track 06:  Pediatric Nephrology

To notice or diagnose the nephrosis, doctor typically follow few take a look at and ar biopsy wherever the blood is collected from the subjected patient and measured for quantity of creatinine is gift within the blood. Through this the calculation is finished per your age, weight and ethnos to seek out out what number liters of waste your kidneys ar able to filter in a very minute. this is often referred to as calculable capillary Filtration Rate (eGFR). A usually functioning urinary organ will filter concerning 90ml/min. excretory product take a look at is finished to live the quantity of albumin-creatinine magnitude relation (ACR) within the excretory product. at the side of eGFR this excretory product take a look at can depict actual operating condition of the urinary organ. urinary organ diagnostic assay may be a surgery wherever tiny tissue from the infected urinary organ of the patient is taken and examined for any sign of damages gift within the cells.

Track 07: Cardiovascular Nephropathy

Nephropathy is the damage or disease of the kidney. Diabetic nephropathy is that kidney disease which is caused by the diabetes. Kidney may have tiny blood vessels which filters the blood. High blood sugar from diabetes can disrupt and destroy this blood vessel and Glomerular Filtration Rate will enormously get decreased. As a result kidneys will no longer perform its function properly and lead to the renal failure stage. Cardiovascular disease and kidney disease are related to each other. Heart continuously sends oxygenated blood to the body and kidney performs filtration of waste from the blood. Therefore if any problem in the heart causes congestion of blood in the main vein which is connected to the kidney due to inefficiency of pumping.

  • Genetics
  • Geriatric and Palliative Nephrology
  • Glomerular and Tubulointerstitial Diseases

Track 08: Renal Cancer

Kidneys have tiny lining of tubules that assist in absorption and purification of waste merchandise. within the cancer case, tubules can contain malignant cells and which is able to have an effect on the conventional operate of the kidneys. the foremost common sort of urinary organ cancer is excretory organ glandular carcinoma and is usually seen within the people of fifty to seventy. Treatment for excretory organ cell cancer includes therapy, surgically removal of a part of the infected urinary organ, molecular targeted medical care. there's an opportunity of obtaining renal disorder thanks to break down of cancer cells through therapy. Cancer cells can die however it'll have an effect on the urinary organ and should cause injury to the urinary organ. Onconephrology may be a branch of medicine that deals with the relation between cancer and urinary organ operate. Cancer patients ar typically diagnosed for the activity of urinary organ and every one different urinary organ operate.


 Track 09: Kidney Inflammation

Nephritis could be a term, that refers to inflammation of either one or each the excretory organs that impaired kidney operate. Inflammation happens usually within the glomeruli, tubules, or interstial tissues close the glomeruli and tubules. There area unit 2 kinds of kidney disease they're nephritis & tubo-interstitial kidney disease. There area unit several reasons for kidney disease and reckoning on the cause treatment can vary. most typical cause is that the infections and toxins. urinary tract infection is that the inflammation within the excretory organ caused by tract infection that reaches the girdle region of the excretory organ.

Track 10: Renal Nutrition & Metabolism

Diet and nutrition area unit necessary a part of living well with nephropathy. Patients WHO area unit tormented by nephropathy ought to be a lot of involved concerning their diet and will follow the special dietary plans. Diet arrange can vary in step with the stage of nephropathy. chemical analysis clinic can have dieticians WHO will arrange the diet of the patient. specialist can offer complete steering concerning daily intake of food. traditional food arrange is that: high intake of supermolecule containing food, less salt, high chemical element & K foods. they're conjointly suggested to require safe fluid intake levels. this is often as a result of additional fluid can increase pressure level and create heart to figure more durable eventually increasing the strain of chemical analysis treatment.

  • Regulation of pH
  • Excretion of wastes and toxins
  • Production of hormones

Track 11: Urinary Tract Infection & Urology

Urology conjointly mentioned as gu operation is branch of drugs that deals with the surgical and medical health problem gift within the tract and infection in any a part of the tract is understood as tract infection. Depends on the place of infection it's named otherwise. once the infection happens within the lower tract then it's known as bladder contamination and once the infection is on the higher tract then is mentioned as urinary tract infection. associate organ that comes beneath urogenital medicine is kidneys, adrenal glands, urethra, female internal reproductive organ and male organ.

Track 12: Naturopathy  for Kidney Disease

There is a growing awareness among the individuals concerning health and fitness. individuals have started reviewing and questioning the trendy way. they're a lot of aware concerning their diet and food supplements. Most of the tending specialist powerfully believes that various diseases to which individuals affected is because of wrong living habits and pollution within the setting. thus natural manner of treating sickness is a lot of accepted across the world. Natural manner of solidifying is associate art of living healthy and healthful methodology of solidifying diseases.

Track 13: Nephrology Nursing

Nephrology Nursing may be a contemplate push to make nursing learning by the revealing of most up-to-date certainties through orderly enquiry. It incorporates improvement within the patients care, minimized price of urinary organ care provision, responsibility and assurance against suit. enlargement to this assortment of nursing learning improvement of nursing as a vocation. excretory organ care nursing is that the field of nursing with associate degree attention on the foremost extraordinary thought of the discriminatingly exhausted or shaky perpetual urinary organ patients. pollution repugnance and nursing thought is that the management troubled concerning dismissing medical building or well-being attentiveness connected ill, associate degree utilitarian (instead of academic).

Track 14: Genetics behind Kidney Disease

Some diseases within the kidneys square measure thanks to the mutation within the single copy of factor. Humans have concerning 250000-30000 factor. There may be mutation that affects the excretory organ and another one is thanks to hereditary traits that pass from one generation to a different. so if oldsters have uropathy then there's probability that their kids may also get excretory organ diseases at some purpose of your time in their life. Whereas within the mutation case, single factor disorder during which single copy of factor gets mutated and can code for various supermolecule. In inherited disease, multiple genes get mutated and code for wrong supermolecule and cause malady. Single factor disorder is found twenty fifth in kids and V-J Day in adults. heritable (single factor disorder) has a lot of genetic relation and high penetrance when put next with inherited disease.

Track 15: Biomarkers in  Kidney and Heart Disease

There is a lot of similar symptoms arises in each coronary unwellness and urinary organ diseases. each might provide shortness of breath and chest hassle, and so it is not beautiful that biomarkers of utmost heart muscle and nephrosis each currently and once more exist along in various specialist symptomatic works. The high event of vessel events in long urinary organ illness warrants an accurate analysis of danger went for reducing the activities of ill and its results. The usage of biomarkers to understand patients at high risk has been being utilised as a vicinity of the overall open for a drawn-out amount of your time and has become mixed reactions within the therapeutic gathering.



To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date November 26-26, 2021

For Sponsors & Exhibitors

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Speaker Opportunity

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All accepted abstracts will be published in respective Conference Series International Journals.

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