Colleen Davis
Vuselela Davis, South Africa
Title: Facing burnout in nephrology - Building resilience through trust, connection and hope
Biography: Colleen Davis
Physician burnout is a well-documented phenomenon; it has been referred to as a “burnout epidemic” which cannot be ignored. The effect is on the professional and personal capability of the physician, the statistics of physician suicide are showing an upward trend. When looking at the breakdown of burnout in medical specialties’, Nephrology gets placed centrally in its percentages and severity. Burnout in Nephrologists and Nephrology nurses affects the quality of care, lower productivity, absenteeism, high turnover and ultimately burdening an already over-burdened healthcare system. The medical profession is traditionally a harsh environment in which superhuman effort is expected on the part of its practitioners and any perceived weakness is hidden, ignored or exploited. Studies in neuroscience show how the human brain responds to being threatened and how trust and hope can build resilience. The purpose of this talk is to create awareness of the impact of burnout on the individual as well as the healthcare system and encourage engagement that can bring about a significant change in the way we view the cause, the victims of, as well as the possible solutions to burnout in the discipline of Nephrology. Findings: Burnout is caused by a mixture of complex interactions resulting in exhaustion, cynicism, and inefficiency directly affecting the Nephrologist, the nephrology interdisciplinary team, the patient and the community. Conclusion and Significance: The American Society of Nephrology has recognized the importance of taking action and in 2018 called for experts to find a workable solution to address physician burnout, for measures to be taken that will improve the professional lives of Nephrologists. Solutions are available; we should be open to a new approach that will ensure that the next generations of physicians are not placed under the same pressures.